Loving an Ugly Beast (Fairy Tales & Ever Afters) Page 9
He shook his head, his voice stubborn as he said, “Love should be more important. If it isn’t, it can’t be true.”
Her voice was exasperated. “Of course love is more important. Did you hear me say I wouldn’t have been with Byron because he wasn’t my ideal? No, not once. But just because you love someone heart and soul doesn’t mean there aren’t things you wish you could change about them.”
His head tilted slightly, his eyebrows drawn as he considered her words. She turned him so they were facing each other and he didn’t fight her. “Answer me honest, Benton. You loved the other Nissa, didn’t you? You were going to marry her and have a family with her and love and protect her for your entire life.”
“It’s all I ever wanted, to be her husband.”
Nissa almost melted at those words, but she pressed on. “And now? I’m Nissa. Only the shell has changed.”
He shook his head, shame casting itself over his features. “It’s not right.”
“It’s not right if the outside takes precedence over the inside. But that’s not what you feel.” She brought his hand down to her stomach. “In time, when you put your children here—” and his eyes burned at the mention of children, his fingers squeezing the flat plane of your stomach, “-you know this is going to grow and stretch, don’t you? And while it will shrink down after every birth, with each child it will get a little flabbier and it will never be this flat again. Does this mean you don’t want me to have your sons?”
His voice was rough, his eyes paler and brighter than she had ever seen them. “Never. I want as many as you will give me.”
“What about these?” she asked, bringing his hand to her breasts. “With each child they are going to lose some of their shape and firmness, and what your children don’t destroy, age and gravity will. When that happens, will you turn away from me in disgust and refuse to look at my naked body? What about when my hips spread, or my thighs get jiggly, or when my face is covered in lines or my one chin becomes two? Are you going to leave me when these things happen? Because each of them will. If I am blessed to live a long life with many children I need to care for and love and feed and worry over, all of those will happen. Will I be worthless to you once this body is no longer a sexual plaything?”
He shook his head, his hands stroking up and down her body, as gentle on her body as if she was already pregnant with his child. “You know that’s not the case.”
“That’s right, because you love me. Part of love is living with and caring for the scars that develop on your lover over time.” She caressed his cheek, rubbing the red markings that lined his face. “We take care of each other, no matter the marks that living leaves on us. That’s what you were doing these last few weeks for me, wasn’t it?”
He laid his hand over hers, watching her with those ice eyes of his, looking to see something in her own gaze. Whatever he found, he was satisfied with, because he leaned down and nuzzled her neck. It was sensual but not sexual, and so affectionate tears sprung to her eyes. Yes, that was what Benton did. He cared for her scars as surely as she cared for his. Just because hers were hidden better didn’t mean they didn’t exist.
He trailed small kisses up the side of her neck and nuzzled her ear. “Your scars don’t scare me,” he said, an echo of her earlier thought. “I am by your side always. I will fight your demons as many times as you need me to. I live to protect you.”
Her voice broke when she spoke, thick with tears, but his words also brought pure happiness racing through her, a joy that she couldn’t help but smile with. “So why does it matter that you think I’m beautiful this way? I’m proud that I can be that for you. I want every man to envy you as I walk through the village on your arm. And in the future, when these looks fade, I want you to recall these days fondly and tell our children how gorgeous their mother was and watch them discount that their mother could ever be thought of as attractive. And when you look at me then, it won’t be with the overwhelming desire you have for me now, but that’s okay, because the overwhelming love will never fade away.”
He kissed her, his love in the kiss, his loyalty, his passion, his mouth promising her desire and love and a future with him always at her side. This was perfect. This was everything.
She broke it off, nuzzling him under his chin. “Benton, take me to bed.”
He kissed her again but it soon turned into a grimace. “Damn, Hale is coming over. He wants to talk about – something. He’ll be here soon.” She must have made a face at that because Benton’s eyebrows drew close together. “What is it?”
She shook her head, not wanting Benton to get overprotective. “Nothing serious. Hale has been very persistent in his desire to court me.”
That didn’t help. In fact, the glower worsened. “What do you mean, ‘court’?”
“What every woman means when she says that. It’s a nice way of saying the man wants to lift her skirt and get between her legs.”
Benton’s hands clenched. “Has he done anything?”
She laid her hands on his forearms and looked at him. “Let’s get this settled right now. You are not allowed to be offended when other men pay attention to me. I want you to defend me when there is a need, but you can’t get threatening any time a man shows interest.”
“So he hasn’t done anything I can punch him for.”
“No, he hasn’t.” Benton’s mouth compressed, but in a moment his face cleared. He looked her up and down, and then he smiled. That smile made her nervous. “What?”
“When you said you wanted every man to envy me. Was that true?”
“Of course it was. I’m yours and you are mine, and I want everyone to know we are together.” She put her hands on her hips. “Benton, you aren’t getting any more silly ideas in your head, are you? Like thinking I’d be ashamed to be seen with you, or you wanting to protect me by not being seen with me? Because I have to warn you, any more stupidity and I won’t be responsible for my actions.”
He shook his head, a slow smile gracing his features. He was smiling more now, though whether it was his stint as Byron or the fact that they finally admitted their feelings was the cause of it, she didn’t know. “No. You are mine now, Nissa. Nothing and no one will take you away.”
She smiled back, happy and content and cherished. “Good. Glad to have that settled. Then why do you ask?”
He shrugged, opening the top few buttons of her dress. “Thought of a plan where Hale would envy me and realize you are not interested, all at the same time.”
She leaned her head back when he brought his lips to the base of her throat, the better to give him full access to her neck. “Really? What’s this plan?”
His hands traveled underneath her skirt, and before she could inquire what he was doing, he ripped the underwear from her body. “Benton!”
He wrapped her legs around his waist and carried her outside, his mouth never leaving her throat.
In a flash of insight, she said, “Public sex? You’re going to let him see me naked?”
Benton growled. “Never. You are for me only.” And he pushed her against her tree. “But if he sees me thrusting while you are moaning and have your legs wrapped around me, he might suspect we have a thing going on.”
“Godmother Sara, you should be ashamed of yourself!”
Sara waved off her fellow FG. “Hush, Irene. It’s not as though I’m peeping through a window. If they’re going to put it out there like that, they can’t be upset if someone accepts their invitation.”
Irene huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. “I still say it’s beneath the dignity of your office.”
“Oh good, that tosser Hale is coming down the path. He should make it just in time for the climax.”
Irene groaned. “You couldn’t resist, could you?”
“I really couldn’t.”
Irene rolled her eyes, but there was a smile in them. She handed Sara a folder. “The official HEA just came down. It was a job well done.”
Sara opene
d the folder. It wasn’t as if she didn’t believe Irene, she just enjoyed seeing “Happily Ever After” in letters so big no one could deny it. “Yes, it was.”
“I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure this one would work out. A lot of damage there.”
“That’s why I handled it myself. Next time I’ll let Laura take point.”
“Good idea. She’s not quite at Reina’s level yet, but she’s getting there.”
Screams and groans brought the two FGs attention back to the couple, and just in time to see the disbelief and jealousy on Hale’s face.
“I wonder if he’s jealous because Benton got Nissa or because he saw Benton’s equipment.”
“Believe me, Irene, that boy has nothing to hide in that department.”
Irene batted at the arm of her superior. “Come away now, enough mischief. We have more files to go through. Those HEA’s won’t happen on their own.”
“That’s why it’s a good thing we’re here.”
The End
Also Available from Danielle Monsch
Loving a Fairy Godmother
Fairy Tales & Ever Afters, Book 1
Tiernan is one of a kind. Beyond the divine dimples, killer blue eyes, and hard muscled body, Tiernan is also the only Fairy Godfather. Most of the Fairy Godmothers have no problem with keeping Tiernan around, but Reina isn’t like most Fairy Godmothers.
Amongst Fairy Godmothers, Reina is the best. Organized, efficient, logical. So why is it when Tiernan is around, all those qualities fly out the window? Reina doesn’t like that one infuriating male makes her lose control, and just wants him gone. Circumstances arise that just might let her get her wish, though not in a way she ever wanted.
Tiernan is given an assignment and told either get a Happily Ever After or he will no longer be a Fairy Godfather. Reina is going with him to supervise, but if Tiernan gets his way, he’ll not only be supervising that luscious stubborn fairy in bed, but also get her to admit Happily Ever Afters also apply to Fairy Godmothers.
Chapter One
“Oh no, this can’t be. I’ll never hear the end of it from the Fairy Godmother Council!”
Tiernan’s fingers curled over the bloody mess that was once his stomach, viscera and blubber sliding through the multiple lacerations crisscrossing his body.
How in the nine hells did he get saddled with the most incompetent Fairy Godmother to ever exist? Leading the knight to the dragon, helping him overpower the beast, rescuing the princess and having them live Happily Ever After... Wasn’t that what Fairy Godmothers did every day? Instead, he got one who couldn’t find her butt with both hands.
“Glad your priorities are straight, Fairy,” he growled, with not enough strength to lift his head, not enough strength to even raise his voice and yell like he wanted. His legs were numb, and blackness settled around the edges of his vision. “’Go this way,’ you said. ‘Trust me.’ I knew I should never have listened. Since when can a female give directions?”
The blond Fairy’s head jerked around nervously. “What do I do?” she wailed, and Tiernan really wished he had the strength to hit her, gallantry be damned. That the female above him was crying, but not due to the fact he was about to die, really set his teeth on edge.
“I know!” she cried, her eyes wide as she bore down on him. “I can grant you a wish! You haven’t asked for one yet! Make a wish! You can wish for healing!”
What an adventure it would be to become a Fairy Godmother.
In his darkening mind, the words ping-ponged back and forth, brighter and more impressive with each volley. Tiernan tried to shake his head and dislodge the traitorous thought that seemed to come from somewhere outside of his own being. Blasphemy, insanity, such a thought. He was a knight.
With no king.
With no land.
With no family.
A knight who had nothing and no one to protect.
His lungs seized up. He was powerless to do anything but wait to see if they would work again. They did, but not without bringing up a quantity of blood through his throat and into his mouth as the price. Spitting out the blood, he knew there would not be another chance.
Before he could reflect, before he could decide if it was truly wise, he simply stated what the voice told him. “I wish I was like you, a Fairy Godmother.”
“What?” said Blondie Bimbette, not expecting this. “I didn’t say you could wish that!”
“You didn’t say I couldn’t,” Tiernan snapped back. “You just said make a wish. I did, now fulfill it before I die.” With that, he passed out.
A cacophony of voices, loud and argumentative, greeted him when awareness came upon him again. His eyes opened, and he saw her...
Tiernan’s lungs seized up again, and he wondered if this was the last time, if she was an angel sent down to bring him to Heaven. Maybe a devil to drag him down to hell, but no matter, he’d follow her willingly.
Her face was every secret desire he’d ever had come alive, every wish he never made for fear of being prideful. Those wide-set brown eyes, the color of rich earth, fringed with the thickest black lashes and set in the perfect oval of her face caused his heart to ache in his chest in a way even his recent encounter with the dragon hadn’t managed to do.
A thick fall of hair, darker than her eyes, fell forward in long waves, caressing high cheekbones and the most luscious mouth he had every come across. That plump bottom lip begged for a man’s teeth. With more willpower than he thought he possessed, he forced his gaze back to her eyes.
For a moment, just a moment, he saw feminine awareness in them, but then she blinked, and that awareness took flight, replaced by propriety and duty.
“He is awake, Godmother Sara,” she said, and upon hearing that deep, husky tone, stunned desire turned into raw want. He’d started to reach for her when another woman came to his side, bending slightly to have a closer look at him.
“Aren’t you a handsome one,” said the older woman, a chuckle escaping her as she ran a finger down his face. As her finger came to rest at the side of his mouth, she gave a delighted exclamation. “And dimples as well!”
“Godmother Sara, that is quite inappropriate and completely beside the point,” said the woman who had just eluded him. “He should not be here.”
“Hmmm,” Godmother Sara said, currently pinching his cheeks and not so surreptitiously looking down the expanse of his chest. Tiernan looked down, not sure what to expect since the last he knew he had a bloody pulp in place of a chest, but also not shocked to see himself now healed, a diaphanous shirt and thin breeches replacing his armor. He was as good as naked because with what he was wearing, anyone in the room could clearly see what he had to offer.
A quick glance around showed he was surrounded by women circling around the sumptuous couch he found himself now on, and yes, they were all in various stages of checking out his body – all except his angel, who was very studiously not looking at him and instead kept her focus on the woman who wouldn’t leave his face alone.
So, the one woman he was interested in couldn’t care less. Yeah, that ranked right up there with death by dragon. With tensed jaw and a sure grip, he grabbed the older woman’s hands, and being gentle with her frail limbs, placed those hands away from his face as he sat up. “What’s going on here?”
Sara smiled. “Don’t you remember, knight? You made the wish.”
So the blonde granted it. “Where is the ditz?” he asked, looking around. He didn’t see the ditz, but he saw his angel quickly cast her face down to hide her amusement.
She had taken the sight of her smile from him, the final insult in this insane day, and now he felt blood rush to his face. “What do you mean I shouldn’t be here?” he challenged her. “Why do you have any say in my life?”
That wiped all amusement from her face. “I am saying the truth. That wish should never have been honored, and you should not be here.”
“I guess that means you aren’t in charge then, since
here I am. Are you all Fairy Godmothers?”
Godmother Sara smiled. “Cute but not that bright, eh, knight?”
He jumped up, suddenly restless. “Could you cut me some slack considering the almost dying thing?”
“Of course,” she said, waving her hand to get him to sit back down, a signal he ignored. “Naomi is no longer a Fairy Godmother. Her screw-up was too monumental to ignore. However, she offered you a wish while still a full Fairy Godmother, you made a wish while she was a full Fairy Godmother, and she granted it as a full Fairy Godmother.”
“A wish that no other Fairy Godmother would have granted in her place,” his angel interjected. “That wish was granted in panic. It should be made void.”
“While you are correct, Reina, what is done is done. We, as Fairy Godmothers, are responsible for her words.”
So his angel’s name was Reina. Still, the satisfaction of knowing her name didn’t quite drown out the fact she was actively trying to get rid of him. “Why shouldn’t I be a Fairy Godfather?”
Reina answered, her tone affronted. “There is no such thing as a Fairy Godfather, and never has a mortal been allowed to become one of us!”
“So I’ll be the first, no big deal.”
Her eyes narrowed. “The decision to never allow males was made over a millennium ago, for very good reasons. You shouldn’t be allowed to upset that.”
He gave her a lazy grin. “I don’t know. I don’t think I could do any worse than getting the knight I’m trying to help eaten by a dragon.”
Her look turned murderous. “I don’t want to replace one mistake with another.”
“Sweetheart, no woman who has met me ever called it a mistake.”
Before Reina was able to get past her outrage to form a response, Sara asked, “Knight, what is your name?”